Saturday, November 21, 2009
Angles and Demons
I've also had a few good molts. Finally got the P. Murinus TCF, as well as the over 6" LP. I also got my larger male vagans to molt now 4" with his female close behind. Another OBT sling(the one from shelby) didn't get a good look, but is over 2". Molt was torn up but possible male which is good.
Now for the mentioned demons. Starting with the biggest first. My female E. Murinus the one of the two who I was able to breed before the male died, has molted. So no sac and good luck getting a MM.
Another: my hisser colony is having probs. They were dying off, mostly young ones and a really old beat up male who didn't look like he was going to live much longer when I got him. I've re housed to give more room and I haven't really looked till today. But I lost a mature female and several more babies. I have no clue what's wrong. So if anyone has an idea LMK.
I tried breeding my female A. Avic again, even cohabed them for a week and the female moved out for a new home. Hoping it is just a molt. I have a fresh MM in case. So I put the male in with the other female after giving him a few days on his own with the other female. It has been a week since I've noticed a fresh sperm web from him.
Lots of feeding and watering to do now too, so I'm hoping to sell these A. Avic slings off before it's time to pull the pentalore sac too. Also will be listing some B. Vagan slings soon too, about 1 - 1.25".
Well as mentioned I have lots of feeding ect. to do so I'm off,
Later Days
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Saturday, November 14, 2009
Lots Of News!
Finally my E. Uatuman molted, so I was able to confirm that she is a girl, and mature. Her molt measured 4". Now the task of finding her a man. I still haven't seen her stretched yet, she had been huddling in her little dug out. She did have a burrow but she ditched that for just a little dug out.
Also finally my Phormictopus atrichomatus molted. By vent it looked female, but molt is saying male, unless it's just too small for me to see, thought the uatuman was a boy till I seen the flap was stuck to the rest of the molt. So we will have to see the next couple of molts.
I also got in my H. Villosella MM on loan two days ago and he is just too darn cute. Going to feed the female again tonight and maybe tomorrow pair them up.
Also I have put a MM A. avic in with the female who gave me the sac, same male she was bred with and I saw him with a fresh sperm web first. The female seems un interested and could be getting ready for a molt. They have been co- habing for 2 days now and all is well. He is getting up there in age, and not making webs much any more so I figured I could chance it. I also have a freshly matured male just in case. But this male spent over a month living with the female I sent him to breed with who is now here as well.
Also saw my H. Lividum female at the burrow entrance, so doesn't look like she has a sac, and also saw my H. vonworthi completely out of her burrow and she doesn't look gravid at all. Total bummer!
But my C. pentalore just laid her sac!!!!! Took her 2 days and it looks to be a good size, was told it could be some 600 babies. YIKES! So in a month I will be pulling that which hopefully will be good. Also going to breed my other pentalore female soon, gotta give her another meal first, hope the old boy is still making those webs, left over/ used ones all over his enclosure so hard to tell lol.
Ohh almost forgot, having the H. mac, minitrix, and possible vonworthi female shipped out monday. Were due in this week but had to cancel due to holiday.
Well that's all folks!
Later Days
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Molt Updates
25 male P. Pedersini
28 A. Avic #5 sex unknown (1" sling)
1st. B. Vagans #'s 24, 21, 1, 20, 13, I5,(sexes unknown) A. Genic (was 5.25" female) and C. Pentalore #3 female
3 B. Vagans #'s 2, I4, 5,(sexes unknown) and German import Blue Fang #1(possible male)
4 A. Avic #3 male (did not mature)
6 P. Murinus TCF female # 3
7 Blue Fang #1 female
8 A. Minatrix #2 (sex unknown), European import Blue Fang #2 (sex unknown), A. Versicolor #1(possible female), A. Avic #2 (matured out male)
10 B. Vagans ??? (Is under question weather or not it's a vagans.), OBT #6, OBT #7
Who knows what the night will bring. Still waiting on OBT #'s 4 and 5, L.P, Phormictopus, C. Fimbriatus, uatuman, maybe irminia.
Also I'm having a MM H. Villosella sent to me, maybe here tomorrow, but unsure with the holiday. Also having sent out A. Minitrix, H. Mac, and maybe another H. Vonworthi mature female. It's not sure yet if this is a vonworthi or another hapolo.
Well that about wraps up this edition,
Stay Frosty.
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Thursday, November 5, 2009
And The Breeding Continues...
So I decided to pair him with female #4. He also has been with this girl before when I had sent him out on a 50/50. The owner could no longer keep her so he gave her to me for cost of shipping. She played hard to get, but they were left to cohab for a month, and she seemed to be gravid. But then he came home and she ended up looking skinny again like she re-absorbed the eggs.
So the male has been tapping to her and vibrating, but she is showing no interest in him. She has already ran out her enclosure once. So we will see what happens.
Also I have a MM H. villosella coming in on a 50/50. He is being sent to me on Monday and my female is freshly molted. So we are hoping for a nice sac from them, We both want to start communals.
Also on Monday I have being sent out is another A. Minatrix sling, a H. Mac sling. This will be my first H. Mac! And another Hapolo sp. It is suspected to be H. Vonworthi, and I hope so because I already have a fresh MM here.
So as you can see I'm keeping myself busy and must sign off.
Later Days!
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Monday, November 2, 2009
Couple Big Molts
I hope my 2" pentalore takes a hint and gets to molting, she has been in premolt for 1.5 months and hasn't eaten in a month!
Then a even bigger shock, my what I thought was a 5.5" A. genic female was on her back too ready to molt. I thought she was coming due since she refused food at her last feeding. She turned out to have a 5.25" molt, don't know how big she is now, she hasn't stretched out yet still. She looked female by vent and I confirmed by molt that she is in fact a mature female. Now I hope her boyfriend molts so I can get some breeding done with her, really hope to get a sac out of her.
Then I also had 6 B. vagan slings molt into 1 inchers. I knew they were coming due as well, but was hoping they would hold off so I could sell a few since I just have too many of them. But I guess that will just have to wait.
I also have a few others I think are going to molt, being my female uatuman, my phormictopus, and one of my german import blue fangs to name a few.
I did try breeding my H. vonworthi but that just resulted in the male sitting over her burrow hole. I also looked in with my H. Lividum who I saw sticking out her hole, but no sac as of yet, and I think she stopped eating since she has a couple crickets running around I have to take out. Can't be a molt since she is fresh.
The E. Murinus I bred also has some left over crickets, hers could be a molt, she looks like she needs a good one. Got the male in with the freshly molted female, but gotta get time to pair them.
Well my fingers are tired so I'm gonna sign off for now,
Later Days
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