Monday, May 18, 2009

You've Got Mail

Well I've been a busy little bee placing orders today. I have placed 2 orders with different people and they will both arrive on Tuesday!

Coming from Paulatpetshop (user name on AB) is the following...

3 European imported blue fang slings
25 B vagans slings (1/2")
1 B vagans (1.5") freebie with order over $50.00

Paul has been excellent to do business with so far and the slings aren't even on their way yet. I wanted to do a communal with the vagans, but turns out it will just turn out to be a bunch of death, so that idea has been aborted. So I asked him if he had any H incei or H villosella. Turns out he didn't have them, but said he would get them in soon, I asked how soon because I was going to try and save on shipping. He checked his list and while I was sending payment for the above, he was e-mailing his contacts about importing one or both species for me! How excellent is that? Now that's what I talk about service. Paul tells me that they should be here in a couple weeks, depending on how much import paper work needs to be done ect.

Package two will be arriving on Tuesday as well, coming from miarachnids also from AB. Coming from him are...

4 H villosella slings for a communal project I'd like to do.

PM'ed him EARLY this am, and when I checked this afternoon he had e-mailed me back saying he had 4 left. So I told him I would take them and just needed a shipping price, and he sent that this evening and I sent out payment, He said he would have them packed and sending them out tomorrow morning(Monday).

Also possibly coming in on Tuesday HOPEFULLY will be the following

3 female A genetics
1 male A genetic
1 female OBT
1 female P. irminia
1000-2000 roaches.

they will be coming from massmorels of

I talked to him last weekend, and he was still waiting on my second half of my payment to clear, first part did with no props, never heard back on weather the second one did or not. He said it should clear in a few days, and he would ship after this past weekend on Monday. I sent a e-mail to see if payment had cleared and if he still planned on shipping on Monday, didn't hear anything back, then went to send another PM today (Sunday) to make sure and re-read his last PM and he said he was working all this week, so hoping that's why he didn't get back to me. Sent another one anyways asking again if he was still planning on shipping them out on Monday.

So if all 3 boxes come in on Tuesday, I'm gonna be over loaded for awhile, so If you don't hear from me in awhile, I could be all webbed over so send help lol.


  1. I didn't know that villosella slings could be kept communally, what do you think the likelyhood of cannabalism is?

  2. Nice to see you've got lots of new 8 legged friends joining you soon! Really is good to be able to business with decent people, makes it so much more pleasurable.

    You've got a female P.irminia on your list, what a beautiful spider! I have a sling coming tomorrow of that species, fingers crossed she's a she!

    Good luck with the new arrivals mate. Have fun!

  3. It's my understanding that as long as you provide enough food for them all and just enough space, they will be fine together. I will be posting a blog about my observations soon.
