Thursday, October 29, 2009
Waiting On Molts
I'm currently waiting on my C. Fasciatum female that I recently got from him to molt. I had tried to breed her when I got her but she was not interested. She took a few meals and then I notices the patch on her abdomen starting to get black. It's now fully dark and I'm expecting her to molt anytime now. She had laid a sac with franklin, but she missed it and the eggs went bad.
I'm also hoping that the male I have is still good. He has my other girl very gravid and his home is filled with old sperm webs, so I'm not sure if he is still making them or not. I did feed him last night and he ate so that is a good sign. He was an older male when I got him and I've had him for 2 months maybe.
I'm also waiting for a 2" fasciatum to molt, a blue fang, and E. Uatuman to molt. They all have been refusing food for awhile. Glad I never found someone with a mm uatuman when I was looking. I'll start the search for a mm after the molt for sure.
I'm going to start a search for a mm H. Villosella, my female molted and is 2" now and should be able to breed. Also will try looking for a mm B. Smithi, I'm pretty sure my female is freshly molted. Also I don't know if I mentioned, but Ana has a male A. genic that she will let me use for my lady, but he has to mature first. After that he has to survive breeding her 2 or 3 BIG females that she has. Hoping to get lucky and she molts before he is ready so she can put on more size, she is only 5.25". She doesn't look like it's gonna be soon though, she has a nice bald spot so I can see if she turns dark.
Well I got work to do with the T's so I'm off,
Stay Frosty!
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Monday, October 26, 2009
Never Ending Work List
On a good note though my A. Avics ate the pin head crickets that I offered them. I had tried day old B. Dubia, but only two of them ate those. So now with them feeding they can go to market and will lighten up the work load some. I will also try them on very small B. Lats to see if that works for them as well and be better for me too.
Another good note the P. Pedersini (Ornamental Ghost) that I just got from Ana molted as well, he really grew in size too. He was about 1.75" and is now 3.5"!!! I have yet to get a good look at him yet though because he is shy, but he did get some pretty yellow under his front legs. I just wish he had turned out to be female since I got him as unsexed. Oh well... When he matures it's back to Ana's house to meet some lady in waiting for some good ol' fashioned love making and hope for babies to follow.
That's it for this installment, tune in next time for the continuing saga!
Later Days.
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Saturday, October 24, 2009
And Another One
Well it turns out that she molted! Apparently a couple days ago. She is about 2" or so now. It is hard to tell because of the major web job she has done. She webs like one of my OBT's and she has a burrow in the sub, so she has mixed sub into her webbing.
Now that she has molted I guess I'll start to look for a MM for her. As for the ladies with MM's here I will be shark tanking them tonight, well some of them at least.
Till then,
Stay Frosty
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Friday, October 23, 2009
Time for a molt update!
10/12 P. Regalis #1 this little one went from being .75" to 1.25". I recently took this one out for a photo shoot and it went great! Little one even crawled onto me for a few pics. Never gave a threat, never bolted or anything. Was just like having a avic on me, Bet that won't last much longer.
10/20 L. Parahybana #1 I've had this one since it was a .5" sling. The growth it gains each molt amazes me each time. This one went from being 2" to 3". Still looking pink and nothing like the adult female I also have.
10/21 E. Canyo MF Blue Fang I hadn't seen this girl in awhile, but wasn't thinking anything of it. Till I finally saw her at the top of her burrow. Last time she molted she lost a leg. I noticed that she now has a mini leg, so this date is just a guess. A male is going to mature for her soon.
10/23 A. Genic #2 this one also put on a bit of size :) it went from being .75" to 2" and is really looking great! I've just found a mate for my mature female, just waiting for him to mature.
Also had my B. emilia #1 molt. It went from .5" to 1". Came in as a freebie and I'm not sure I really want one so I'm gonna give it a couple more molts to see if it grows on me before I decide to get rid of it or not.
Unfortunately the molts were too small on these guys, even with my magnifying glass. Guess I need a better one.
Signing off for now,
Later Days
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Monday, October 19, 2009
Got a New T and Another Breeding Down!
For my efforts Ana graciously gave me a P. Pedersini aka the Ghost Ornamental for free!!! It is a 3" sling that she bred back in Aug. of 2008. She has been feeding it slowly and gave it to me as a unsexed sling because we could not get to come out to sex it. But when I got home it was on the side of the deli and I got a clear look at it and it is a boy for sure. Which is ok because she has mature females that she said I could breed him with for a 50/50 when he matures. I think he Is going to molt soon, I offered a roach and it ignored it but that could be from stress of the car ride so we will see.
I also was finally able to breed my H. Vonworthi female today! He was tanked with her for a few days and I saw her out one afternoon and I think she was looking for water but found him. They drummed to each other and next I know she is back in her hole.
It took me over an hour to get any action out of them. But once he got to it he didn't mess around. He got her out of the burrow and then he lifted her up and got the job done. After she was seen rubbing her abdomen which is a great sign before she went back down her hole. He was then returned to his home to rest and charge up for next time. I'm hoping for the best and will get in another one or two before I ship him off to the next lady.
Till next time,
Stay Frosty!
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Thursday, October 15, 2009
So much to do so little time
I checked in on my cobalt blue last night to feed her and check for a sac and still nothing. Also the skeleton isn't looking gravid yet either. Although the female skeleton who molted last week got her first adult male dubia, so she is getting ready to go on her first date. I decided that while I have the male I better try with the fresh girl and give each a shot. He already bred the one but she could also eat him next time, or molt. She looks like she's been wearing thr one she has on now for a very long time. So I have me fingers crossed that she drops a sac before she goes and does that.
I did get the A. Avic slings into their new homes which is great. I'm giving them a couple days to settle in and lay down some webbing. Then I will be giving them the first meal.
On Sunday I will be going over to a friends house, they have a very gravid P. Irminia running around the house, and they said if I can find it I can keep it. I love irminia's, I already have one that is going on 4" now and it just happens I got it from the same person, so this might be its mother! So I am very excited for that and I'm hoping I can find her before she lays her sac.
I also had another molt! This time it was my P. regalis, also from the person with the irminia. I got it as a freebie because they wanted me to get into them. It had recently molted into second instar and it had a leg stuck In molt so it became my special sling. You wouldn't know that today by looking at it though. This is the second molt with me and it is about 1.5" now. For some reason it has been hiding in the sub now so I haven't gotten a good look at it yet.
Guess that's all for now,
Stay Frosty
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Extra load, Lots to do
But first up is breaking up the avic slings into their own homes. It's been a week since they started to molt and about 4-5 days since the last one molted. So it's time for that and then I will give them a couple days to settle in before they are given their first meals, then it will be off to market. I of course will be keeping a few, I think 6 is good, but no more then 10.
I also will be giving one away for free! You have to live in the contential US, and be a member of You also have to correctly guess how many slings made it to second instar. The contest doesn't start till I post the thread announcing it, but this will give you time to sign up and get to know the members if you aren't already a member.
I also have plans to breed some of my obt and my H. Vonworthi for the first time, I'm hoping it goes well, the male doesn't get munched, and that I get a nice fat, healthy sac.
That's all for now,
Later Days
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Monday, October 12, 2009
Moving Day
I was told that with these guys that you don't want to go much bigger with a new enclosure, so that usually means the home is only good for one jolt, then they need a new one, which is the case here.
I've done several of these guys before and they are pretty easy to do, but you have to remember that they are fast, skid dish, will give threats, and can jump like avids. So you have to be prepared.
I'll be using the plastic containers from Michaels as new homes for them, they work great and come in the right sizes.
I'll try to report after and take pigs during.
Till then,
Later Days
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Sunday, October 11, 2009
It's been tooooo long
There have been a lot of happenings here, some great and some bad. I've been working on getting MM's in for my ladies and have been growing the kids and finding new ladies like my two new E. Murnius who also have a mate.
I've also got my first two sacs, the first being my A. Avic which those slings reached second instar and will be sold soon. The second which I just pulled today was my G. Rosea rcf sac, which was all clumped together and dried out, not a single good egg.
I've also bred my cobalt blue, C. Fasciatum, another G. Rosea rcf, G. Rosea ncf, E. Murnius as already mentioned, and I'm on the third male for my OBT's. I have yet to get sacs out of any of them and they never looked gravid. The current male is on loan from revolt. I still have a few males to find, like a smithi and a genic as well, but hopefully the winter will bring me some nice fat sacs.
With luck I'll remember to post more often, the new blackberry should help that much!
Until next time,
Stay Frosty!
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