Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Another Blue Fang Rehoused!
I've found when rehousing this sp. You need to cover them with something. I use a paper bag, and leave them alone till they establish a burrow, which might take a few weeks. I also help them out by starting to dig out a corner, helps them to get to it faster.
My MF took almost 3 weeks to take to her burrow and make it her own. They stress easily and need to be covered. If not I've found they will sit on the top of the sub all crunched up and won't move for days which I can't see as being good at all.
Also trying a new breeding set up for my H. Villosella. My C. Fasciatum/ pentalore sac will be getting pulled in just over 2 weeks and I'm hoping for lots of slings. My P. Irminia molted out a MM, so I'm trying to find a MF, but not much luck. Also trying to find several other MM's but no luck with them either.
Well enough of my blabbering,
Later Days.
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Saturday, November 21, 2009
Angles and Demons
I've also had a few good molts. Finally got the P. Murinus TCF, as well as the over 6" LP. I also got my larger male vagans to molt now 4" with his female close behind. Another OBT sling(the one from shelby) didn't get a good look, but is over 2". Molt was torn up but possible male which is good.
Now for the mentioned demons. Starting with the biggest first. My female E. Murinus the one of the two who I was able to breed before the male died, has molted. So no sac and good luck getting a MM.
Another: my hisser colony is having probs. They were dying off, mostly young ones and a really old beat up male who didn't look like he was going to live much longer when I got him. I've re housed to give more room and I haven't really looked till today. But I lost a mature female and several more babies. I have no clue what's wrong. So if anyone has an idea LMK.
I tried breeding my female A. Avic again, even cohabed them for a week and the female moved out for a new home. Hoping it is just a molt. I have a fresh MM in case. So I put the male in with the other female after giving him a few days on his own with the other female. It has been a week since I've noticed a fresh sperm web from him.
Lots of feeding and watering to do now too, so I'm hoping to sell these A. Avic slings off before it's time to pull the pentalore sac too. Also will be listing some B. Vagan slings soon too, about 1 - 1.25".
Well as mentioned I have lots of feeding ect. to do so I'm off,
Later Days
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Saturday, November 14, 2009
Lots Of News!
Finally my E. Uatuman molted, so I was able to confirm that she is a girl, and mature. Her molt measured 4". Now the task of finding her a man. I still haven't seen her stretched yet, she had been huddling in her little dug out. She did have a burrow but she ditched that for just a little dug out.
Also finally my Phormictopus atrichomatus molted. By vent it looked female, but molt is saying male, unless it's just too small for me to see, thought the uatuman was a boy till I seen the flap was stuck to the rest of the molt. So we will have to see the next couple of molts.
I also got in my H. Villosella MM on loan two days ago and he is just too darn cute. Going to feed the female again tonight and maybe tomorrow pair them up.
Also I have put a MM A. avic in with the female who gave me the sac, same male she was bred with and I saw him with a fresh sperm web first. The female seems un interested and could be getting ready for a molt. They have been co- habing for 2 days now and all is well. He is getting up there in age, and not making webs much any more so I figured I could chance it. I also have a freshly matured male just in case. But this male spent over a month living with the female I sent him to breed with who is now here as well.
Also saw my H. Lividum female at the burrow entrance, so doesn't look like she has a sac, and also saw my H. vonworthi completely out of her burrow and she doesn't look gravid at all. Total bummer!
But my C. pentalore just laid her sac!!!!! Took her 2 days and it looks to be a good size, was told it could be some 600 babies. YIKES! So in a month I will be pulling that which hopefully will be good. Also going to breed my other pentalore female soon, gotta give her another meal first, hope the old boy is still making those webs, left over/ used ones all over his enclosure so hard to tell lol.
Ohh almost forgot, having the H. mac, minitrix, and possible vonworthi female shipped out monday. Were due in this week but had to cancel due to holiday.
Well that's all folks!
Later Days
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Molt Updates
25 male P. Pedersini
28 A. Avic #5 sex unknown (1" sling)
1st. B. Vagans #'s 24, 21, 1, 20, 13, I5,(sexes unknown) A. Genic (was 5.25" female) and C. Pentalore #3 female
3 B. Vagans #'s 2, I4, 5,(sexes unknown) and German import Blue Fang #1(possible male)
4 A. Avic #3 male (did not mature)
6 P. Murinus TCF female # 3
7 Blue Fang #1 female
8 A. Minatrix #2 (sex unknown), European import Blue Fang #2 (sex unknown), A. Versicolor #1(possible female), A. Avic #2 (matured out male)
10 B. Vagans ??? (Is under question weather or not it's a vagans.), OBT #6, OBT #7
Who knows what the night will bring. Still waiting on OBT #'s 4 and 5, L.P, Phormictopus, C. Fimbriatus, uatuman, maybe irminia.
Also I'm having a MM H. Villosella sent to me, maybe here tomorrow, but unsure with the holiday. Also having sent out A. Minitrix, H. Mac, and maybe another H. Vonworthi mature female. It's not sure yet if this is a vonworthi or another hapolo.
Well that about wraps up this edition,
Stay Frosty.
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Thursday, November 5, 2009
And The Breeding Continues...
So I decided to pair him with female #4. He also has been with this girl before when I had sent him out on a 50/50. The owner could no longer keep her so he gave her to me for cost of shipping. She played hard to get, but they were left to cohab for a month, and she seemed to be gravid. But then he came home and she ended up looking skinny again like she re-absorbed the eggs.
So the male has been tapping to her and vibrating, but she is showing no interest in him. She has already ran out her enclosure once. So we will see what happens.
Also I have a MM H. villosella coming in on a 50/50. He is being sent to me on Monday and my female is freshly molted. So we are hoping for a nice sac from them, We both want to start communals.
Also on Monday I have being sent out is another A. Minatrix sling, a H. Mac sling. This will be my first H. Mac! And another Hapolo sp. It is suspected to be H. Vonworthi, and I hope so because I already have a fresh MM here.
So as you can see I'm keeping myself busy and must sign off.
Later Days!
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Monday, November 2, 2009
Couple Big Molts
I hope my 2" pentalore takes a hint and gets to molting, she has been in premolt for 1.5 months and hasn't eaten in a month!
Then a even bigger shock, my what I thought was a 5.5" A. genic female was on her back too ready to molt. I thought she was coming due since she refused food at her last feeding. She turned out to have a 5.25" molt, don't know how big she is now, she hasn't stretched out yet still. She looked female by vent and I confirmed by molt that she is in fact a mature female. Now I hope her boyfriend molts so I can get some breeding done with her, really hope to get a sac out of her.
Then I also had 6 B. vagan slings molt into 1 inchers. I knew they were coming due as well, but was hoping they would hold off so I could sell a few since I just have too many of them. But I guess that will just have to wait.
I also have a few others I think are going to molt, being my female uatuman, my phormictopus, and one of my german import blue fangs to name a few.
I did try breeding my H. vonworthi but that just resulted in the male sitting over her burrow hole. I also looked in with my H. Lividum who I saw sticking out her hole, but no sac as of yet, and I think she stopped eating since she has a couple crickets running around I have to take out. Can't be a molt since she is fresh.
The E. Murinus I bred also has some left over crickets, hers could be a molt, she looks like she needs a good one. Got the male in with the freshly molted female, but gotta get time to pair them.
Well my fingers are tired so I'm gonna sign off for now,
Later Days
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Thursday, October 29, 2009
Waiting On Molts
I'm currently waiting on my C. Fasciatum female that I recently got from him to molt. I had tried to breed her when I got her but she was not interested. She took a few meals and then I notices the patch on her abdomen starting to get black. It's now fully dark and I'm expecting her to molt anytime now. She had laid a sac with franklin, but she missed it and the eggs went bad.
I'm also hoping that the male I have is still good. He has my other girl very gravid and his home is filled with old sperm webs, so I'm not sure if he is still making them or not. I did feed him last night and he ate so that is a good sign. He was an older male when I got him and I've had him for 2 months maybe.
I'm also waiting for a 2" fasciatum to molt, a blue fang, and E. Uatuman to molt. They all have been refusing food for awhile. Glad I never found someone with a mm uatuman when I was looking. I'll start the search for a mm after the molt for sure.
I'm going to start a search for a mm H. Villosella, my female molted and is 2" now and should be able to breed. Also will try looking for a mm B. Smithi, I'm pretty sure my female is freshly molted. Also I don't know if I mentioned, but Ana has a male A. genic that she will let me use for my lady, but he has to mature first. After that he has to survive breeding her 2 or 3 BIG females that she has. Hoping to get lucky and she molts before he is ready so she can put on more size, she is only 5.25". She doesn't look like it's gonna be soon though, she has a nice bald spot so I can see if she turns dark.
Well I got work to do with the T's so I'm off,
Stay Frosty!
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Monday, October 26, 2009
Never Ending Work List
On a good note though my A. Avics ate the pin head crickets that I offered them. I had tried day old B. Dubia, but only two of them ate those. So now with them feeding they can go to market and will lighten up the work load some. I will also try them on very small B. Lats to see if that works for them as well and be better for me too.
Another good note the P. Pedersini (Ornamental Ghost) that I just got from Ana molted as well, he really grew in size too. He was about 1.75" and is now 3.5"!!! I have yet to get a good look at him yet though because he is shy, but he did get some pretty yellow under his front legs. I just wish he had turned out to be female since I got him as unsexed. Oh well... When he matures it's back to Ana's house to meet some lady in waiting for some good ol' fashioned love making and hope for babies to follow.
That's it for this installment, tune in next time for the continuing saga!
Later Days.
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Saturday, October 24, 2009
And Another One
Well it turns out that she molted! Apparently a couple days ago. She is about 2" or so now. It is hard to tell because of the major web job she has done. She webs like one of my OBT's and she has a burrow in the sub, so she has mixed sub into her webbing.
Now that she has molted I guess I'll start to look for a MM for her. As for the ladies with MM's here I will be shark tanking them tonight, well some of them at least.
Till then,
Stay Frosty
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Friday, October 23, 2009
Time for a molt update!
10/12 P. Regalis #1 this little one went from being .75" to 1.25". I recently took this one out for a photo shoot and it went great! Little one even crawled onto me for a few pics. Never gave a threat, never bolted or anything. Was just like having a avic on me, Bet that won't last much longer.
10/20 L. Parahybana #1 I've had this one since it was a .5" sling. The growth it gains each molt amazes me each time. This one went from being 2" to 3". Still looking pink and nothing like the adult female I also have.
10/21 E. Canyo MF Blue Fang I hadn't seen this girl in awhile, but wasn't thinking anything of it. Till I finally saw her at the top of her burrow. Last time she molted she lost a leg. I noticed that she now has a mini leg, so this date is just a guess. A male is going to mature for her soon.
10/23 A. Genic #2 this one also put on a bit of size :) it went from being .75" to 2" and is really looking great! I've just found a mate for my mature female, just waiting for him to mature.
Also had my B. emilia #1 molt. It went from .5" to 1". Came in as a freebie and I'm not sure I really want one so I'm gonna give it a couple more molts to see if it grows on me before I decide to get rid of it or not.
Unfortunately the molts were too small on these guys, even with my magnifying glass. Guess I need a better one.
Signing off for now,
Later Days
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Monday, October 19, 2009
Got a New T and Another Breeding Down!
For my efforts Ana graciously gave me a P. Pedersini aka the Ghost Ornamental for free!!! It is a 3" sling that she bred back in Aug. of 2008. She has been feeding it slowly and gave it to me as a unsexed sling because we could not get to come out to sex it. But when I got home it was on the side of the deli and I got a clear look at it and it is a boy for sure. Which is ok because she has mature females that she said I could breed him with for a 50/50 when he matures. I think he Is going to molt soon, I offered a roach and it ignored it but that could be from stress of the car ride so we will see.
I also was finally able to breed my H. Vonworthi female today! He was tanked with her for a few days and I saw her out one afternoon and I think she was looking for water but found him. They drummed to each other and next I know she is back in her hole.
It took me over an hour to get any action out of them. But once he got to it he didn't mess around. He got her out of the burrow and then he lifted her up and got the job done. After she was seen rubbing her abdomen which is a great sign before she went back down her hole. He was then returned to his home to rest and charge up for next time. I'm hoping for the best and will get in another one or two before I ship him off to the next lady.
Till next time,
Stay Frosty!
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Thursday, October 15, 2009
So much to do so little time
I checked in on my cobalt blue last night to feed her and check for a sac and still nothing. Also the skeleton isn't looking gravid yet either. Although the female skeleton who molted last week got her first adult male dubia, so she is getting ready to go on her first date. I decided that while I have the male I better try with the fresh girl and give each a shot. He already bred the one but she could also eat him next time, or molt. She looks like she's been wearing thr one she has on now for a very long time. So I have me fingers crossed that she drops a sac before she goes and does that.
I did get the A. Avic slings into their new homes which is great. I'm giving them a couple days to settle in and lay down some webbing. Then I will be giving them the first meal.
On Sunday I will be going over to a friends house, they have a very gravid P. Irminia running around the house, and they said if I can find it I can keep it. I love irminia's, I already have one that is going on 4" now and it just happens I got it from the same person, so this might be its mother! So I am very excited for that and I'm hoping I can find her before she lays her sac.
I also had another molt! This time it was my P. regalis, also from the person with the irminia. I got it as a freebie because they wanted me to get into them. It had recently molted into second instar and it had a leg stuck In molt so it became my special sling. You wouldn't know that today by looking at it though. This is the second molt with me and it is about 1.5" now. For some reason it has been hiding in the sub now so I haven't gotten a good look at it yet.
Guess that's all for now,
Stay Frosty
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Extra load, Lots to do
But first up is breaking up the avic slings into their own homes. It's been a week since they started to molt and about 4-5 days since the last one molted. So it's time for that and then I will give them a couple days to settle in before they are given their first meals, then it will be off to market. I of course will be keeping a few, I think 6 is good, but no more then 10.
I also will be giving one away for free! You have to live in the contential US, and be a member of You also have to correctly guess how many slings made it to second instar. The contest doesn't start till I post the thread announcing it, but this will give you time to sign up and get to know the members if you aren't already a member.
I also have plans to breed some of my obt and my H. Vonworthi for the first time, I'm hoping it goes well, the male doesn't get munched, and that I get a nice fat, healthy sac.
That's all for now,
Later Days
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Monday, October 12, 2009
Moving Day
I was told that with these guys that you don't want to go much bigger with a new enclosure, so that usually means the home is only good for one jolt, then they need a new one, which is the case here.
I've done several of these guys before and they are pretty easy to do, but you have to remember that they are fast, skid dish, will give threats, and can jump like avids. So you have to be prepared.
I'll be using the plastic containers from Michaels as new homes for them, they work great and come in the right sizes.
I'll try to report after and take pigs during.
Till then,
Later Days
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Sunday, October 11, 2009
It's been tooooo long
There have been a lot of happenings here, some great and some bad. I've been working on getting MM's in for my ladies and have been growing the kids and finding new ladies like my two new E. Murnius who also have a mate.
I've also got my first two sacs, the first being my A. Avic which those slings reached second instar and will be sold soon. The second which I just pulled today was my G. Rosea rcf sac, which was all clumped together and dried out, not a single good egg.
I've also bred my cobalt blue, C. Fasciatum, another G. Rosea rcf, G. Rosea ncf, E. Murnius as already mentioned, and I'm on the third male for my OBT's. I have yet to get sacs out of any of them and they never looked gravid. The current male is on loan from revolt. I still have a few males to find, like a smithi and a genic as well, but hopefully the winter will bring me some nice fat sacs.
With luck I'll remember to post more often, the new blackberry should help that much!
Until next time,
Stay Frosty!
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009
OBT Communal Notes
Once I got the slings, I put them into the communal enclosure, that I already added roach nymphs to, I didn't ask, but I'm sure they weren't kept communal prior to this, and they are about 1".
The following morning, I noticed that one sling had decided to make a burrow already, and one decided to make one later that day, all food items were missing. The following day the third sling finally decided to make a burrow. Two of them are close together, and both are seen at the entrances at the same time, the other sling is on the other side of the cube, and I haven't see it out yet.
6/28 All three slings are still alive, and I fed them, all burrows were open, so I just dropped the roach near the entrances, and then I saw some orange flashes and the roaches were gone.
7/4 two of the slings have closed off their burrow entrances, the third has webbed a large entrance, and put some substrate in it for decoration.
7/7 Both slings are still locked up, and the one is still seen at the entrance of it's burrow. I think they are getting ready to molt, My larger OBT's that I got from Franklin also close off the burrows when they are getting ready to molt. So hopefully they will come out soon and I can find out what's been going on.
H. villosella Communal Notes
5/20 received the 4 H. villosella slings and they are MICRO. They are maybe 1/4". All slings are from the same sac, I put them into their vial, and added in some prekilled cricket for them to feed on.
5/21 All 4 slings made the first night, it doesn't appear that they have eaten anything.
5/23 Today I found two slings in a tube web together. The other sling has made it's own tube web on the other side of the vial. Fourth sling roaming around. One of the slings looks darker today then the other two, maybe it's getting ready to molt?
5/24 Tried feeding mealworms instead of crickets, but no one is eating.
5/25 Spotted three slings today, two of them together, and one on it's own.
5/28 Today I realized that one of the slings had molted. It grew a tiny amount, but is still very tiny and hard to see them with all their webbing. I'll try feeding them again in a couple days.
5/29 Decided to go ahead and feed, in case someone got hungry and they don't munch any freshly molted, or the freshly molted don't eat those in premolt. The sling which molted fed.
5/29(evening) Found another sling had molted, and saw all 4 slings alive!!!. Added in a prekilled cricket, and one of the other slings looks ready to molt any time now.
5/31 All slings have molted, one yesterday, and one very early this morning. One of the slings is bigger then the others, All slings are more active now and I see them daily out of the tube webs.
6/1 Noticed that one sling is missing legs I and II on it's right side. Must have had problems molting. Should come back next molt with no problems.
6/10 All four slings still alive, one appears to be molting.
6/11 found the sling that appeared to be molting, suck in the molt and dead. Now down to three slings.
6/22 two of the three remaining slings have molted two more times, starting to see adult colors.
6/30 All three slings alive, two have molted today and are now .5" One more to go and should be in a couple days. Two seem to always molt at the same time, and the other a few days later, always under a week.
7/7 haven't seen all three slings in a few days now. Always just two of them hanging out. I think the third one may have died in the molt. I can't see very well due to all the webbing, but I think I see it in the webbing and dirt, not sure though, hopefully it's locked up getting ready to molt. I'll investigate with tweezers in a couple days.
So far everything seems to be going well, other then the one, maybe two slings who have died in the molt, other two seem to be doing really well and feed well also.
More Molts
6/3 B. vagans #22
6/5 B. vagans # I4
6/6 B. vagans # 2, 4, 6, 15, 18, 20, 1, 13, 21, 23, 7, 5, 19, 24, 14, 17, 11, 12, 16, 2a, and blue fang # 1
All them molts in one day and I didn't even get to watch a single one.
6/7 B. vagans # I2, 5, I5, I3, 8, 9
6/9 B. vagans # I6, 26
6/10 B. vagans 10, Blue Fang #2, Euro blue fang # 1, Obt # 1
6/11 Euro blue fang #2
6/13 Indian Violet, Euro blue fang #3
1/16 P. irminia
6/18 L.P
6/20 Euro blue fang #1, B. vagans 1
6/22 OBT #2
6/27 B. vagans # 3, 22
6/30 Male G. rosea(he didn't mature this molt like I thought he was going to, looks like he'll need another one) German Blue fang #3, H. villosella, H. villosella #2, German Blue fang #1
7/1 German blue fang #2, Haplopelma sp. ("Vietnam")/ Haplopelma vonwirthi
* NOTE: "vietnam" may have molted before this date, it was locked away in it's burrow for a very long time, this was the day I saw it out, and knew it molted.
7/2 OBT "Kitten" On or before this date, noticed her on this date, was leaving her be since she was suspected to be gravid, she molted 3 months!!! ago!.
7/5 B. vagans #20
7/6 B. vagans # 23, 17, 6, 13, I4, 2a, Phormictopus sp. purple, A. versicolor
7/7 B. vagans #16
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Time for an update
Isopod Study Update
. 6/10/09 I've decided to scrap the isopod study till the slings get bigger and can have larger homes. All the slings molted, and none of them seem to be found in the enclosures. I think shortly after molting, the T's ate them.
H. Villosella Communal Update
. 6/11/09 One of the slings tried to molt today, but some how it was stuck in the molt and wasn't able to get out. It was already dead when I found it, but had I found it alive, I don't think there is anything I could have even attempted to do, given their VERY small size at the moment.
.6 /22/09 The remaining 3 slings molted earlier in the month, shortly after the other one died, They appear to be almost .5"
. 6/30/09 All three slings are still alive and well. Two of them molted today and are finally .5". One more has yet to molt, Seems two of them molt only days appart, or in this last case only hours. The other one usually molts within a week of the other two, Maybe this means I have two males and one female, I sure hope it's the other way around though. Sure would be nice.
I've decided to start another communal project. This time I've gone with OBT's. A few people have communal set ups with them, as long as they are sac mates, same as the H. villosella. I got a shipment in from my buddy Franklin, and I got a 5" cobalt blue female. As well as the three OBT sling sac mates he had left, that I was going to use for the communal. I got the slings, and already had their home set up, I've named it The Orange Cube, since OBT's are orange, and it's one of them plastic cubes from the craft store. Before adding the slings, which are about .75" I added in 5 day old roach nymphs with their heads squished.
By the next morning, one of the slings had made a burrow in the substrate, and the other two were still crawling around and I saw them hanging out together, and touching each other, they didn't seem to mind each other, unless one went bolting for some reason and ran into the other, then the one who was bumped ran in another direction, no aggression at all. Also all the roach nymphs were gone, so they had a good feed. By that night a second sling decided to make a burrow as well, and by the third day all three slings had made burrows, Two of which have their openings facing each other, and they are often seen sitting at the top of the burrow next to each other, the other one made a burrow on the other side of the cube, but I think it's tunnel connects to one of the other slings. Decided to give them each another roach and they were very happily taken very quickly.
Well that's a pretty good update for now. I'll get my molt6 book and update on everyone who has molted, also will have to get a list of what species and how many I have up as well.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Anyways here are the pics....
A Genetic.
" alt="click to enlarge" border="0" />
" alt="click to enlarge" border="0" />
" alt="click to enlarge" border="0" />
Brazilian Black and White...
" alt="click to enlarge" border="0" />
" alt="click to enlarge" border="0" />
" alt="click to enlarge" border="0" />
Hope these pics work, still have no clue how to get them to work correctly
" alt="click to enlarge" border="0" />
And here she is about a dozen crickets later. I tossed her a roach after these pics were taken and she stopped eating for a couple days. She has started up again, and is eating three crickets as I type this.
I do have 2 new additions, but I will put them in a new blog, I think there is a limit on how many pics per blog post and don't want to chop it in half.
Isopod Study with B. vagans Update #1
6/1 All isopods are sill alive and doing well.
Even More Molts
5/28 H. villosella Was glad to see that little guy/gal. It's one of the 4 H. villosella slings I have in the communal project.
5/29 H. villosella yet another communal sling had molted for me, I also had one of my German imported Blue Fangs G1 molt. They are getting big.
5/30 H. villosella WOW is there a trend here or what? 3 slings in the communal project just molted over the past 3 days.
5/31 H. villosella!!! ALL 4 communal T's molted one right after another.
*Note: I noticed that one of the slings who molted is missing a leg, but is doing fine to this day and I've fed them a couple times to keep them from eating each other.
**NOTE: I noticed that OBT#2 appeared to have molted. On 6/1 I confirmed it, I saw the molt by the burrow entrance.
6/2 C. fasciatum molted, woke up this morning to this pretty girl, was waiting on her. I think she will stay in her home she is in now, but next molt she will have to have a new home AGAIN!
Blue Fang #1 Molted his afternoon as well. I've been waiting on her to molt for about 2 weeks or so now, and today she finally did!. She looks AMAZING!!!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
More Molts
5/16 P. irminia molted. It went from about .75" to maybe 1.5" hard to tell with all it's webbing.
5/19 The long awaited molt of my A. avic, she finally molted after about 2 1/2 months of being in premolt. I wasn't able to confirm her being female because she destroyed the important part of the molt and I was unable to tell, but she has no palps and still looking female. I just gave her a cricket for the first time yesterday and she jumped on it and very much enjoyed it.
5/20 LP molted. Looks to be about 1" now and looking a bit more pink. I also fed her for the first time last night, she, well I don't know if it's a she or not, but it will now need to be rehoused as it's out grown it's vial.
5/22 German blue fang #2 molted. It lost one of it's legs in the molt, a back leg and seems to be doing fine.
5/22 B. Vagans #1 molted. Has really grown in size, this time, this is the second molt in my care. Now I can see red hairs sticking out of the abdomen.
5/24 German blue fang #3 molted. It did regenerate it's lost leg, but not it's palp. I'm thinking it lost the palp after the leg and will need another molt to replace this. The new leg looked white and smaller then the rest of it's legs for a couple days, but now has gotten some color in it.
5/27 A.versicolor #1 molted. Looks to be maybe 1.5" now.
I also had two deaths. 5/19 C. elegans. I love this little one and have no clue what happened, Ate two days before the molt and was eating well for the couple weeks I had it.
Also on 5/20 A. versicolor #2 was found dead. Again another unexplained death, both only took a couple meals after they molted before they stopped eating again. I think it may have had propblems molting or something because last time #2 molted before #1 and this may have been the case, since #1 just molted.
Isopod Study with B. vagans
5/20 added 1 baby isopod to each vial with the B.vagans slings.
5/21 Slings in vials I5 and I3 ate the isopods over night. I'm not sure if they ate any of the meal worm I offered the night before. I decided to feed the slings again in 2 days and would add isopods back to the enclosures.
5/24 All isopods still alive, fed slings last night. Will reintroduce isopods to slings I3 and I5.
5/25 Reintroduced isopods. Both I3 and I5 ate them again. The rest of the isopods are still alive. I decided to try several with my Asian scorpion, and several were found dead in the water dish, several were dead on the bottom of the enclosure, and there were about 6 still alive moving around.
5/26 Found the sling in I1 dead, wasn't sure if it was really dead so I put it in ICU and it hasn't moved since yesterday. Death wasn't caused by the isopod, it hadden't even tried to feed on the dead body yet. Will continue study with the rest of the slings.
Monday, May 18, 2009
You've Got Mail
Coming from Paulatpetshop (user name on AB) is the following...
3 European imported blue fang slings
25 B vagans slings (1/2")
1 B vagans (1.5") freebie with order over $50.00
Paul has been excellent to do business with so far and the slings aren't even on their way yet. I wanted to do a communal with the vagans, but turns out it will just turn out to be a bunch of death, so that idea has been aborted. So I asked him if he had any H incei or H villosella. Turns out he didn't have them, but said he would get them in soon, I asked how soon because I was going to try and save on shipping. He checked his list and while I was sending payment for the above, he was e-mailing his contacts about importing one or both species for me! How excellent is that? Now that's what I talk about service. Paul tells me that they should be here in a couple weeks, depending on how much import paper work needs to be done ect.
Package two will be arriving on Tuesday as well, coming from miarachnids also from AB. Coming from him are...
4 H villosella slings for a communal project I'd like to do.
PM'ed him EARLY this am, and when I checked this afternoon he had e-mailed me back saying he had 4 left. So I told him I would take them and just needed a shipping price, and he sent that this evening and I sent out payment, He said he would have them packed and sending them out tomorrow morning(Monday).
Also possibly coming in on Tuesday HOPEFULLY will be the following
3 female A genetics
1 male A genetic
1 female OBT
1 female P. irminia
1000-2000 roaches.
they will be coming from massmorels of
I talked to him last weekend, and he was still waiting on my second half of my payment to clear, first part did with no props, never heard back on weather the second one did or not. He said it should clear in a few days, and he would ship after this past weekend on Monday. I sent a e-mail to see if payment had cleared and if he still planned on shipping on Monday, didn't hear anything back, then went to send another PM today (Sunday) to make sure and re-read his last PM and he said he was working all this week, so hoping that's why he didn't get back to me. Sent another one anyways asking again if he was still planning on shipping them out on Monday.
So if all 3 boxes come in on Tuesday, I'm gonna be over loaded for awhile, so If you don't hear from me in awhile, I could be all webbed over so send help lol.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Yet Another Molt!
I'm still waiting on my A. avic to molt, it hasn't moved out of it's webbing at all, but I have seen it turn around and is always on one side of the webbing. Last night I was thinking maybe it was expecting it's prey to walk into the tube ends on the web, So I took a tiny roach and put it in the end tube that the T was facing, and it ran right by her and the T was not intrested, it went into the corner and then ran under the T again, out the other end of the webbing, so I took it out and fed it to someone else. This poor thing is making me really nervous. It hasn't eaten anything in 2 months now and was eating 1-2x per week. Both temps and humidity are in the 80's and I've even tried raising temps during the day for a few days with no luck. Maybe it's taking so long because it's quite possiably will be it's mature molt? Seems to be 3" or so now. I hope she molted soon.
Also still waiting on my penultimate rosea to molt. Hasn't eaten in about a month, so I'm not sure if it's in pre molt, or just being a rosea. It's abdomen doesn't appear to be getting any darker to me. Once he molts, and has been given a week or so to harden up, and gets a couple meals in him, he'll be sent out on a breeding loan to hopefully make some babies, as I only have one female, and she is already gravid. Although if my MM dies, and the female has her sac before this guy molts, then I'll keep him around long enough to breed with my female again and then send him out on a loan.
I also think that two of the German import blue fangs I got in are going to molt soon because they haven't eaten in a just over a week now either. I hope they both do as they are so tiny, and one of them is missing a leg and a palp.
On a ending note, I've been thinking about doing a communal project for while now and I've been looking at H incei and H villosella. But I just found someone with real cheap B vagans and I'm researching now to see if anyone has done a communal project with them before, or if it would just end in a bunch of death. So I'll keep you updated on that, and may even make a special blog just for the communal project.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Don't know what happened below
Some more pics
Hopefully here are a couple pics of my MM rosea I found making a new sperm web.
Also here is something that is for sure blog worthy. I tried to feed my LP a roach, and last time it refused it and didn't eat it. She doesn't look to be in pre molt or anything, but this time I saw her bite the roach but she didn't eat it and here is what I found the next morning, they aren't the best pics, but if you save them and zoom in on your computer you can really see the coloring...
And lastly here are some pics of one of the Blue Fangs I picked up. This T is recent off a molt and I dropped in the roach and it ran out the vial into my lap and I got it on my hand it it started walking around real calm, so decided to snap a few quick pictures.
Hope these pictures worked this time and hope you enjoyed!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Couple pics
Ok so here we go testing this out, hopefully will be two pics of my gravid rosea, she's gotten real big. These pics are also about 2 weeks or more old.
Also as a little teaser, here is one of my OBT's mating with insert, although you can't see the actual insert, trust me it happened, I had a better view lol.
EDIT: Well that didn't exactly work as planned, you can't click on them to enlarge them, dunno why, copied the code down correctly, I'll have to play with it more, but for now I think I got them to a decent size instead of a tiny little thumbnail.
More T's coming soon
3" P.irmina female
3 -2.5" A.geniculata females
2.5" A.geniculata male
4.5" P.murinus female
1000-2000 dubia roach colony
.75" B.vagans freebie
All for a complete steal of $200 shipped. I can't wait to get the OBT female in, I'll have to ask, but I hope she is on the fresh side of a molt because I'd like to pair her with my MM while he is still around. I did breed him to my other OBT female who I've named kitten and she has been doing well. She was eating everything offered to her, and last night I noticed her out and roaming around. I figured she was hungry since I hadden't fed her in 2 days. But I was too tired when I got home and fell asleep before I did. When I woke up she was still out and roaming around her enclosure. So I offered her a roach and she didn't have any intrest in it. So I squished it's head and placed it on her web for a snack for later. So hopefully in about 25-30 days I'll have a nice big sac of OBT eggs. WISH ME LUCK!!!
Fed all my slings but my 3 BF imports because I fed them two days ago and pretty much including the original 3 BF's took down their roaches. The LP sling didn't eat this time or last time I fed, but may have eaten it since, Also the irminia didn't eat and neither did the vagans, the irminia didn't eat last time either. The vagans recently molted so it can't be premolt, and the LP doesn't look to be in premolt and I can't really tell about the iriminia because of all the webbing it's done.
Also walked in on my MM rosea going strong and making another sperm web. I've decided not to loan him out because he's such a good looking T and don't want him to end up some evil females dinner. So hopefully my female will drop her sac soon,(she's HUGE and eating like a cow) and he can have another go with her. My penultimate male rosea I think may be in premolt, hasn't eaten in the last several times I offered food. Or just a rosea being a rosea and going off food for awhile. I hope it is getting ready to molt, I'll be looking to send him out after he hardens.
Well just wanted to post a quick update, gotta go check on the T's and then off to bed.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
It's Been A Month
Here's the list(don't think I forgot anyone)
2 OBT slings
1 A. avic sling
1 MF thai tiger sp.
1 MM rosea
1 penultimate male rosea
1 MF rosea
1 C. fasciatum sling
1 B. vagans sling
1 P. Irmina sling
6 blue fang slings
1 C. elegans
2 A. versicolor slings
I just got 3 of the blue fangs in(yesterday), they are of German import. They were sold as .5" but when I got them one must have molted because it is 1" and the other two still need to molt as they are .5" which I hope they do so soon because I've been told by breeders that they can be tricky to care for/keep alive until they get to that 1" mark. Also the TINY tiny one came missing a palp and leg I on the right side. So hoping it lost it awhile ago and will come back with this next molt and not have to wait for another. But it is eating, took it awhile to pick up the roach I fed it, squished the head so it wouldn't burrow and still move for the little thing. Also got the C elegans in with the Germans and it's .75" and really amazing, took down a crix the same size as it before it even hit the bottom of the vial.
So far everyone has molted for me, except for my two MM's and my penultimate male, the 3 new Bluefangs, the elegans, and the irmina all in like a months time. I mated my OBT's and just like my rosea she molted the day after being bred for the first time. So she's had 2 weeks to harden up and feed, and she's been going on dates again since the 2nd. She has had a total of 4 successful dates and now I'm waiting to see if she's going to fatten up and lay a sac. Still waiting on the rosea to lay her sac, she's just been getting bigger and bigger, but they take their sweet time and I'm sure I'll be waiting well after the OBT has her sac.
I did have a 2" blue fang sold to me as a female as my 1st one and I had it for about 1.5 weeks and it was feeding fine, and I saw it out of it's burrow nightly, I saw it on top one night, and then not for 3 days, I wasn't worried about it or anything and on the 3rd day when I went to feed it, I noticed the smell of death, I dug it out and it was surely dead. I took it to a blue fang breeder, and they said it was infact a male, and it had mites, but wasn't sure what caused the death. We both kinda came to the conclusion that it was a combination of stress from shipping and the mites. I also got a female cobalt blue, she was about 4-4.5" and I had her for about a week I think and she attempted to molt. She was just starting to get her legs out when she got stuck. I tried to help her out, but her two stuck legs (Leg II on both sides) were really bad, One wasn't even fully formed. It was totally weird and a good learning experience for me on how to cut one out of it's molt. Also it's side ruptured and started to bleed, and I was able to stop that with some crazy glue. But she ended up dying before I was able to fully free her, I think she lost too much blood before I noticed and was able to stop it.
Well I guess that's a pretty good update for now, I'm off to watch the T's.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Finally up-to-date with post (4/6)
The MF OBT doesn't appear to have moved in the past two days. I'm starting to worry about her. I thought I got her to eat a cricket, saw her grab it and heard a crunch. Seemed like a done deal to me. A few minutes later I checked in on her to see how she was doing with the circket and I saw it walking around in with her and her webbing alive!!! Maybe she gave it a dry bite or never bit it. I'm not sure what happened there, but it certinaly is strange.
Though I was finally able to get the fasciatum to feed on a cricket last night. But it still has yet to make any kind of burrow.
I fell asleep waiting for the MF rosea to finish eating to attempt another pairing last night. So I decided to try again this afternoon around 5pm. The female was NOT receptive and more aggressive. Pairing failed. Maybe this is a sign she is no gravid, or she still hurts from the last pairing. It was pretty rough, and seemed like the males pad was going to come out the other side of her abdomen, which was moving all around unlike the last pairings. There were also a few thrust, but I'm not sure who they came from. So I think I'm done pairing them together and we'll just wait and see if we get a sac.
I just found out tonight, that someone who got versi slings from RobC from the same sac as I did, that his molted early this morning, and another member who also has a sling from the same sac is watching hers for a molt as well. So looks like there hunder strike is due to a up coming molt. I can hardly wait to see how big they get.
Post from the 5th evening records
MM OBT has been out much more, was fed 1 cricket, I'm very happy he's eating again. Hopefully I'll see a sperm web here soon and then I'll be able to attempt to breed them as well.
Vagans and both OBT slings were fed crickets the same size as they are and had no problems taking them down and devouring them.
Vagans likes to stay outside it's burrow, but once I pick up the vial, it runs about half way in.
OBT sling 1 stays inside it's corner of a burrow, and likes to keep a web and coco fiber roof over him.
OBT sling 2 stays inside the burrow, but at the top with his legs poking out.
Fasciatum appears to be getting darker, it was given another cricket, but hadden't eaten.
Attempted to feed the versi's again, with no luck. I wish they would feed, or hurry up and molt.
Fed the female rosea 3 crickets, again snatched up 2 right away. Will attempt another pairing tonight.
Post from the 5th, daytime records
MF OBT created lots of web at the bottom of it's enclosure. Looks to be working on a house/molt mat. Still didn't eat the cricket, so I removed it and will try again.
OBT sling 1 dedided to come down and make a burrow. I would have prefered it stay arboreal so I would be able to see it, but no luck, even though it's in a arboreal set up.
OBT sling 2 improved it's burrow and I can't even see it anymore.
B vagans sling also improved it's burrow.
C fasciatum had no change, no feeding and no burrow.
Post from the 4th
Fed my MM OBT, and he was seen out well into the afternoon. Normally he goes in his hide before it gets light out and is in there all day long. I also put a bit of female OBT webbing in different places in his enclosure, so he would know a female is near and hopefully encourage him to make a sperm web.
MF OBT made a little webbing, she has been in the corner, on the top of her enclosure all day long. Also she did not eat. Maybe she is just overly stressed from shipping still, I'll give her another night with the cricket.
NOTE: For now I'll try to refer to the larger OBT sling as OBT sling 1 and the smaller as OBT sling 2.
OBT sling 1 has been on top of it's enclosure all day as well. Although I did get it to eat one cricket so it seems to be settling in.
OBT sling 2 decided to burrow and I also got it to eat one cricket. I also decided to give it more coco fiber so it could burrow more, which it was please with and quickly made a better burrow.
B vagans sling ate two crickets the same size of it. It appeared to be trying to dig a burrow as well. So I also gave it more substrate to burrow in.
C fasciatum sling has refused a cricket that ended up moltin in with the sling, I first thought it was the sling who had molted. I decided to remove the cricket and gave it a couple fruit flies. A few hours later it still had not eaten. Also today, I updraged it's vial. The old one was one it was shipped in and just seemed too small, and didn't seem like it would have room to molt if it did so. I also put plently of substrate in with it, and no signs of burrowing yet.
MM rosea has been inside his clay hide all day after mating with the female. I'll try another pairing again tonight after she's been fed.
MF rosea seems like her normal self, but was a bit aggressive at the end of pairing with the male. Hopefully I'll get a nice big sac. I had fed her 3 circkets prior to mating, two she gobbled up right away and the other she snaged when she finished with the first two.
Both versi slings have been refusing food, and webbing a bit more as well. Maybe they are getting ready for a molt, I sure hope so.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Pics of the New T's
Friday, April 3, 2009
MF rosea molting pics.
Sorry these 3 are low quality, I couldn't find the camera, so they were taken on my cell...
What I saw when I woke up...
Molt pics...
She was 5.5"
Hope you enjoyed, will try to get more up soon...
Picture time....
1st up is my MM OBT. He used to stay in his hide all the time, so it was hard getting photo opts and good pics. But here he is...
2nd is my Thai Tiger, Don't think I'll be getting any more pics of her since she's become a pet hole...
3rd my MM rosea
eating a meal worm pupa
Guarding the used sperm web.
4th Avic Avic
5th #2 female rosea (maybe a immature male)
6th MF rosea
7th The 2 versicolors
Postversi fruitfly
Well that's all the T pics I got for now. Will get some up of the new guys soon.